The specific issue, though, is that we've moved to using pyside/Qt4 as the GUI backend, instead of wx(Python) - enabled, for instance, by doing:
from traits.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig
ETSConfig.toolkit = 'qt4'
except ValueError:
Some things are done a little bit differently with the Qt backend, though, and it's not always obvious how. In particular, traits UI has always allowed "theming", and the normal way to do this with the traditional wx backend is using something like:
from traitsui.api import Theme
Item('move_to_loading_area_btn', item_theme=Theme('@std:BE5')),
(note that this is not the syntax for the item_theme argument shown in the documentation, that doesn't seem to work - so this is also "a useful reference").
This doesn't work with the Qt backend. It turns out that the way to do it is to specify a Qt stylesheet, which can be done as a string:
Item('move_to_loading_area_btn', style_sheet='* { color: red }'),
Useful Qt references are then: